Proud Partner of the New Orleans Saints & LSU Tigers®
Creating Beautiful Smiles With Comfort & Care
At Louisiana Dental Center, we provide numerous convenient locations, each equipped with their own unique team of dental professionals. This allows our practice to offer one-of-a-kind and highly-accessible dental care to our patients.
When it comes to protecting your teeth, your first line of defense against tooth decay and cavities is tooth enamel, as it is the outermost covering that protects the more vulnerable dentin and tooth pulp below. Your enamel comes equipped for the job as the hardest substance in your body. However, because it doesn’t have living cells it can’t grow... read more »
When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Brushing teeth is important for keeping them clean and keeping gum disease from happening. Understandably, brushing only really works when we do it correctly. If you would like to look over brushing techniques, we can give you some pointers. - When you put the brush in your mouth, hold it diagonally in relation to your gum line, at about a... read more »
Does the look of your teeth make you feel bummed out because they are chipped, discolored or shaped imperfectly? In such cases, covering those teeth with porcelain veneers may give you a smile you can feel proud of. Veneers are thin little covers that adhere to your teeth and present a natural and eye-catching appearance in their place. They do... read more »
Are you flossing correctly on a daily basis? Not only should you make sure that you are flossing every day like clockwork, but you also need to make sure that you are doing it efficiently so that all areas between each tooth can be effectively cleaned. Even a small amount of neglect in your flossing routine can slowly allow plaque... read more »
Many consumables play a role in your health and the appearance of your teeth. Even time can cause teeth to fade in color. However, many foods that are commonly consumed can leave a lasting stain on your teeth causing your smile to lose its shine or your teeth to discolor. Luckily, by being aware of the foods and drinks that... read more »
Come to Louisiana Dental Center before May 31, 2018, to take advantage of our yearly special for free orthodontic consultations and $500 off any comprehensive orthodontic treatment. You are also welcome to ask any questions you have concerning your dental care, whether it's orthodontic or another treatment, by visiting our location here in Denham Springs, Louisiana, or giving us a call... read more »
Here at Louisiana Dental Center, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these articles.... read more »